We’re proud to feature a robust alumni group. The Wisdom Connection Alumni, a group of past clients who continue to enjoy the promises of a clean and sober life. Our alumni have access to weekly support group meetings and advanced workshops that continue to support healthy choices.

All alumni are welcome to contact the Alumni Coordinator to get involved.

Letter from an alumnUS

Wisdom Connection Alumni:

Why call it “Connection”?

There are several reasons and I am discovering new ones each day it seems. There is the connection to a group of people that know what a life of addiction is like and now know what a life of recovery is like. There is a new connection to self that is possible in recovery that cannot exist while someone is in active addiction.

The connection to this group of people is oftentimes surprising to the newcomer when they hear someone else telling “their story”. Very often in addiction and into early recovery we think we are different. Often this feeling is what drove us to a need to use in the first place. Hearing others express these same feelings and perceptions of the world begins to build a bond with others on a whole new level. A level of “connection” that we sought through using and thought we could attain only to have it flow away with the passing of another high or buzz. Now this connection becomes a real, repeatable event. Not a fantasy induced by substances.

As we begin to connect with others and understand that our experience is shared, it allows us a new perception of ourselves. We can establish a truer and more honest connection with ourselves. That doesn’t mean it’s all roses and hearts and perfection. It does mean we can look at the aspects of ourselves that drove us to using and walk with them, and understand them. With the tools we have gained through a community of caring individuals. We can forgive ourselves and have a real relationship with ourselves. An awareness of ourselves that includes the good and the bad can allow us to really grow and live our lives more fully.

We can’t say that one of these connections is more important than the other because they are alternating steps of recovery. I make better progress when I alternate left foot then right foot instead of hopping on one foot. By having this connection to my recovery family I have a place to step so that I can take that next step with myself. And by taking that further step with myself I am able to be a real part of the community that supports me. These alternating steps don’t just allow me growth. They propel me on my path of personal growth and a more effective, happy life. Involved in a group of happy effective people.

- D.M.