Jungian informed therapy

Carl Jung created an energetic map of the psyche and soul, and as a result founded an entire school of thought in psychology. He created now common-place words like introvert & extrovert, projection, archetype and synchronicity. He believed that integration of psyche and soul with the conscious mind would lead to a deeper understanding and realization of the true Self. He was the first to acknowledge the importance of synchronicities – that wonderful communication between our internal map of the world, and the world we live within. He developed techniques to facilitate these integrations: associating and amplifying archetypal dream work, utilizing intuitive art and creative responses, and sand tray.  Jung worked with story, myth and ritual to further understand the movement of archetypal forces within us individually and collectively.

At Wisdom we offer these connective practices in a variety of ways to assist in the union of conscious and unconscious material, and the expansion of wisdom within each of us.  Many of our clinicians have training that is highly influenced by this work and from those who follow Jung's understanding of the nature of the mind, and the human individuation process.


                                    “All dreams come in the service of health and wholeness.” – Jeremy Taylor

Dreams do not come to tell us what we already consciously know. They speak from the unconscious in the language of symbols and can be understood on multiple levels at the same time. No one, except the dreamer, truly knows the meanings inherent in the dreams and only then through that aha intuitive sense, and not through the figuring mind. The mysterious wisdom of the dream in the energetic dialogue of conscious and unconscious elements is transformative, giving a new lens of perception regarding ourselves and world through which we navigate.

Our Wisdom dreamwork facilitators are influenced by the work of C.G. Jung and by direct training with Stephen Eisenstat, Marion Woodman and Jeremy Taylor; and reflect the wisdom of those teachers which includes, but is not limited to, the techniques of associating, archetypal amplification, actively engaging the dream contents, reading the archetypal energic patterns, and relating to the dream’s shamanic elements through ritual and expressive art.


In our contemporary culture we have lost many of those important and powerful expressions of rites of passage that give us heart and meaning through the different and often difficult stages of life. Creating personal and communal rituals and acknowledging ancestral wisdom, empowers us and offers a map of the territory of where we are now, the sacred dimensions of releasing the past and embracing the present moment. In both individual and group sessions we assist people in the making of rites of passage from birth to death and the transformation in releasing the old and embracing the new.

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